Our Vision

We envision a thriving Africa where sustainable practices drive economic prosperity and social well-being for all its people. Our work is guided by the belief that Africa holds immense potential, and by harnessing this potential responsibly, we can build a brighter future together

Thematic Areas


Africa's heartbeat is its entrepreneurial spirit. We believe that entrepreneurs are the driving force behind economic growth and job creation. Through our programs and initiatives, we support both aspiring and established entrepreneurs, providing them with the resources, mentorship, and access to capital they need to thrive


We understand the challenges associated with migration in Africa. Our efforts are aimed at reducing the push factors driving migration by providing skill development, employment opportunities, and advocacy for migrants. We believe that by enhancing the quality of life within Africa, we can create an environment where people choose to stay and contribute to their home countries.

Responsible Leadership

Responsible leadership is at the heart of sustainable development. We are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of ethical leaders through our Newcomer Leaders Fellowship together with the BMW Foundation: Herbert Quandt. These leaders will play a pivotal role in guiding Africa toward a Circular Future, where responsible practices drive growth.
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Entrepreneurs supported
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Migrants trained & Supported
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Newcomer Leaders

Financial Support

The success of our initiatives depends on sustainable financial support. We invite individuals, organizations, and businesses to contribute to our cause through grants, donations, and corporate sponsorships. Together, we can drive lasting change


We recognize that collaboration is key to achieving our mission. We actively seek partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, corporations, and educational institutions to leverage resources and expertise.

Get Involved

Join us in shaping the future of Africa. Whether you are an entrepreneur looking for support, a migrant seeking a brighter future, or a leader committed to responsible practices, the SLA Foundation is here to empower you.


I moved to Germany from Ghana three years ago. Through my work as a management consultant, I have had the opportunity to learn about many facets of the immigration and foreign policy of the EU and Germany. I’ve come to realize that a lot of my work ultimately has to do with people and how groupthink influences politics, especially migration policy in Africa and Europe.

Samuel Boakye Opoku

Founder of SLA Foundation